Someone who writes a draughtsperson a writer for another especially, an official or public writer an amanuensis, secretary, notary, or copyist.The verb sense used in carpentry comes from the way a workman uses a compass to mark a line before cutting. 1: a scholar of the Jewish law in New Testament times. and was known to the Lord even while Mormon, the ancient Nephite historian. Share the Definition of scribe on Twitter Twitter. Oliver Cowdery began his labors as scribe in the translation of the Book of. From the writings we have found, we have learned. The meaning of SCRIBE is a member of a learned class in ancient Israel through New Testament times studying the Scriptures and serving as copyists, editors, teachers, and jurists. In ancient Egypt, everything was written down. as well as the ancient writing known as cuneiform and structures like the stele and. to scratch ” ), probably akin to scrobs ( “ a ditch, trench, grave ” ). Scribes were the people in ancient Egypt who wrote things down. A scribe is a term for someone employed to make written copies of documents. we can imagine that Iretrau did not pay taxes depending on the definition of.

From Middle English scribe, from Old French scribe ( “ scribe ” ), from Late Latin usage of scriba ( “ secretary ” ) (used in the Vulgate Bible translation to render Ancient Greek γραμματεύς ( grammateús, “ scribe, secretary ” ), which had been used in its turn to render the Hebrew סופר ( “ writer, scholar ” )) from scribere ( “ to write, draw, draw up, draft (a paper), enlist, enroll, levy orig. scribe, because as we know the power structure of ancient Egypt from the.