The new extension now takes precedence over ffz chat rendering, which is the only true difference in play. As of version 2.0.0 it supports BetterTTV emotes in a better way than BTTV4FFZ could have ever done. FrankerFaceZ does this too, in fact the BetterTTV extension has almost no effect when FFZ is enabled, similar to our v2 extension. It must be understood that extensions are required to take over chat rendering in order to work. If nightdev had simply told us, "hey, I think your extension is doing unnecessary cors checks, would you mind looking into it?", we would've fixed it quietly, but by keeping this blockage while knowing updating a chrome extension takes time essentially forced our hand into issuing a statement and providing an alternative, lest we receive blame for something outside of our control.Īs for the chat renderer complaints, it's irrelevant to this issue. not working issue is caused by another add-on conflicting with BetterTTV. That being said, knowing this wasn't damaging to an API, creates no additional cost and is easily filtered from logs, it's very clear that this was used as a means and excuse to break our implementation. BetterTTV Chrome extension also called BTTV Chrome extension is a plugin for. In essence, it is correct to call the presence of a content type header a misconfiguration, as it causes the browser to issue CORS checks. However, pre-flight / cors (OPTIONS) requests are inert and do no damage.

It also had the side effect of triggering pre-flight requests, which may have looked like increases in request rate to web servers. Header was indeed being used as a form of fingerprinting.